This has been translated from the original Swedish press release “’Crazy ‘Bout You Baby’ med Marie Fredriksson släpps postumt till hennes 65-årsdag.”
“Crazy ’bout You Baby” by Marie Fredriksson is released posthumously for her 65th birthday

Tuesday, 30 May would have been Marie Fredriksson’s 65th birthday. In the series of jazz and blues singles that were very close to Marie’s heart and that have been released, both before and after Marie’s passing, comes a cover of Ike and Tina Turner’s song “Crazy ’bout You Baby”.

The song was recorded in 2003 at Polar Studios after the recording of her solo album “The Change”. As a tribute to Marie and as a thank you to all fans, the song is now being released – 20 years after it was recorded.

It is a reminder of Marie’s versatility and greatness as an artist and how her musical legacy continues to live on.

On her birthday, 30 May, SVT will broadcast the tribute concert from Stora Teatern in Gothenburg, which was recorded in January 2020.