For the first time in four years Marie and Per are working together in a recording studio again. They have just started the recordings of Roxette’s new album in the southern part of Spain, far away from the Swedish winter.

We have a new hunger, it’s like the beginning of a second round, Marie says. I have never looked forward to work with Roxette as mush as now.

Roxette will spend one month outside Marbella. Both the place and time are carefully chosen.

We searched quite long before we found this studio, Marie says. We prefered Southern Europe to Sweden.

They have had time for their familys, both Per and Marie have quite recently become parents. Marie’s Oscar is one year now and Per’s Gabriel half a year.

We are around 20 persons here in Spain with all members of the family and nursemaids!

The last time Roxette stood on the stage was May 1 1995 in Moscow. The last album was released in 1994. Since that both Per and Marie have released soloalbums. Per has toured with Gyllene Tider and both have been off becoming parent. Every now and then there has been speculations whether Roxette will split up or not.

We will probably always work together, Marie believes. We have been through so much together, we have a common history and we want to continue that.

But they have split up their old band after working together with the same musicians since the 80’ies. Only Clarence Öfwermann is still in the band. New member is the bassplayer Christoffer Lundqvist of Brainpool.

We haven’t decided yet with whom we will work, Marie says. It’s not sure that it will be the same on the album as on a tour.

Her husband Mikael Boloys is a musician too. He and Marie have worked together quite a lot. Maybe he will be in the band?

You never know, Marie says, but adds, that he prefers to play golf.

Seven songs will be recorded this time. After that the recordings will continue, probably in France, to be ended in Stockholm. For the first time Marie has written songs for Roxette and she is very satisfied with what she and Per have accomplished.

We have a lot of and strong material now that we have been able to bring together the best of both of us. Earlier I have only contributed with music to Roxette since I haven’t wanted to write lyrics in English. In fact, it was easier than I thought.

Besides, both Per and I will play on the album and take part in producing together with Clarence Öfwermann and Michael Ilbert.

Will the long break combined with new musicians and methods of working affect Roxette so that it will sound differently?

You will recognize our sound, Marie assures, our voices are still there aswell as the musical background with strong melodies and guitarbased pop and rock. Some things will surely change, but I don’t exactly how. We’ll see.

The first single from the new album will be released after the summer and the album release is set for October. After that there will be a world tour.

We are a live band and we absolutely want to tour again. Everything else is unconsiderable. How big the tour will be is naturally depending on the albums sales, but we will somehow play live, Marie assures.

She didn’t tour after her solo album “I en tid som vår”.

The only thing that I regret about last year is that I didn’t have time for a tour. That’s why I really want to tour now.

In the Roxette’s futureplans includes also signing a new recorddeal for the States and for Marie personally turning 40. She has never had any problems getting older and she is looking forward to it.

There will be a huge party and it’s going to be very fun.