The World According to Gessle

Let’s get it going!
“Stupid,” the opening track on Gessle’s new album, is a cracking collaboration with Brainpool and is so good you can hardly believe your ears. Disarming guitar noise, lead-heavy drums, and a rant-friendly chorus. Instant hit alert.
Zap to track three, and you get a new pop slammer with parts of Gyllene Tider around Gessle. Absolutely disarming.
Then comes “Kix,” bubblegum pop anno 1997, with even more guitars, weird synth sounds, and, as if that wasn’t enough a couple of bluesy beats at the end with Jalle Lorensson and his harmonica. Mmmmmmm!
I must also mention “Reporter,” which Gessle jokingly describes as “dangerously close to classic rock.” It’s a hell of a song anyway.
Gessle’s world is not for people dedicated to textual analysis and profundity. If you’re looking for pure, unadulterated fun, however, you’ll find a lot of goodies.
A solo album with few weaknesses.
Actually, only one. Because if Gessle is going on this solo adventure, he could have skipped “I Want You to Know,” which sounds like Roxette – straight off.
Otherwise, it’s 100 percent happy pop all the way and another guaranteed chart success for the pop smith from Halmstad.