The Hero of Halmia – Per Gessle
Rescues the team from being discontinued
The women’s football team Halmia in Halmstad has got a new sponsor – Per Gessle. With that the team is saved. Last autumn the team’s economy was miserable and Halmia thought about shutting down the women’s team. Then the player Jessika Karlsson got in touch with a not completely unknown inhabitant of Halmstad and as well a supporter of the team - Per Gessle.
The amount is secret, but it can be revealed that Gessle has doubled what the other sponsors have paid. In return the players will wear a T-shirt with the text “Gessle Music” and before every match only Gessle’s music will be played.
Now our playing will be like sweet music, Jessika says.
Soon we will also afford serving soft drinks to the players, the coach Stefan Johansson says.