MaMas Barn: Skinny kids
This has been translated from the original Swedish review “Mammas Barn: Magra barn.”
MAMAS BARN, Barn som barn (WEA Metronome)
From Halmstad comes MaMas Barn, as part of the second wave of invasion from the city. Forget that Halmstad-Pop combination now, like Autograph, MaMas Barn is a rock group. Of some kind.
For what should we call the insipid schlager rock that unfortunately predominates on their debut album? If rock is rebellion…? Mixed feelings – that’s the appropriate description of my reaction to “Barn som barn”. The music is of little interest, but Marie Fredriksson is not only a skilful singer but (more importantly) has the ability to fill her voice with life and emotion. This makes at least three songs, “Hunger och tro” and Marie’s two original ballads, quite appealing. Three – out of eleven.
That’s not enough.