This has been translated from the original Swedish.

From Halmstad (again!) came a group that was known as Strul. There was some trouble in the band, and they went their separate ways. Marie Fredriksson and Martin Sternhufvud went their own way and present themselves here as MaMas Barn!

Marie is perhaps not completely unknown, as she sings on the Schlager single with Gyllene Tider and on Lasse Lindbom’s new single. A single with the group was already released last summer. Since then, the LP material has been finalised, and now it is finally here: MaMas Barn “Barn som barn.”

Marie sings and plays keyboards, and Martin sings and plays guitar. Friends Anders Herrlin and Micke Andersson from Gyllene Tider play bass and drums, respectively, and have helped with the arrangements.